What is Silk Fiber?



Silk is one of the oldest fibers known by humankind. It is a natural protein fiber, which has been used in textile manufacture for at least 5,000 years. About 90% of commercial silk fibers employed in the textile industry come from Lepidopteran silkworms from the Bombycidae family. In the textile industry, it is commonly referred to “mulberry silk”.

Silk is a protein fiber made by silkworms. This fabric is prized for its beauty and richness and is for special apparel.

It is used in China, South Asia, and Europe since ancient times

End Uses of Silk Fiber

  • Raw silk is used for clothing such as shirts, suits, ties, blouses lingerie, pajamas, and jackets.
  • Handspun mulberry silk is used for making comforters and sleeping bags.
  • Other variety fabric materials like dupions, plain silk, deluxe, satin, chiffon, chinnons, crepe, broacades are made from mulberry silk.

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