Definition: SMV is defined as the time which is taken by a standard worker to perform a specified task in pre-defined condition.
Standard Worker is who, the
potential worker who can give maximum output with the best quality & can
improve productivity for a specific item & style.
Basic time = Observed time X Rating
For example, suppose a standard operator takes 1
minute to complete an operation. Let put 15% allowance (Men, M/c & Time)
and rating 80%
Basic time =
1*0.80 = 0.80
0.8 + (0.8×.15) Min
0.92 Min
Normally it is expressed in minute value. SMV
is also known as Standard Allocated Minute (SAM).
and SMV are used interchangeably. Some experts define SMV in different ways.
Like - SMV as cost per minute (monitory term) or SMV is used to express
individual operation’s SAM and SAM is used to express complete product SAM.
SMV is calculated through two methods-
Method 1- Through Time Study
Method 2- Using synthetic Data-In this method 'predetermined time
standard' (PTS) code are used to establish 'Standard Time' of a garment or
other sewing products. Study the motions of the operation
Factors of SMV Affecting in Garments
Standard Minute Value of garments depends upon a good number of factors.
They are as following-
- Type of
- Types
of fabrics
- Garments size
- Garments
- Difficulty of
the processes
- Types of
- Types of
Cutting SMV Calculation
Finding the SMV for cutting section is little bit difficult. There has
to take time study for long time & also has to pass few steps. How to
calculate the SMV for cutting section, there is given steps in the below
Lay Prepare SMV
Lay Prepare Time =
(Lay prepare cycle time x manpower)/ (Marker pcs x number of lay)
Example: 8 layer men were taking 95 minute for
preparing 111 ply lay & marker pcs 4 and rating 80%.
Now calculate lay prepare SMV?
Lay Prepare Time= (95x8)/ (4x111) =1.71 min.
Lay prepare SMV = (Lay prepare time X rating) + 10%
= (1.71x80%) +
Marker Prepare SMV
Marker Prepare Time = (Marker prepare cycle time x
manpower)/ (Marker pcs x number of lay)
Example: 2 layer men were taking 12 minute for marker
preparing 111 ply lay & marker pcs 4 and rating 80%.
Now calculate marker prepare SMV?
Marker Prepare Time= (12x2)/ (4x111) =0.054 min.
Marker prepare SMV = (Marker prepare time X rating) + 10%
= (0.054x80%) + 10%
Fabric cutting SMV
Cutting Time = (Cutting cycle time x manpower)/ (Marker
pcs x number of lay)
Example: 2 cutter men were taking 30 minute for cutting
111 ply lay & marker pcs 4 and rating 80%.
Now calculate cutting SMV?
Cutting Time= (30x2)/ (4x111) =0.135 min.
Fabric Cutting SMV = (Cutting time X rating) + 10%
= (0.135x80%) + 10%
Numbering/Sticker SMV
Numbering/Sticker Time = (Numbering cycle time x manpower x Body parts)/ (Marker pcs x numbering parts x number of lay)
Example: 2 Numbering/Sticker men were taking 35
minute for Numbering 111 ply lay & marker pcs 4 and body parts 11,
numbering parts 10, rating 80%.
Now calculate Numbering/Sticker SMV?
Numbering/Sticker Time = (35x2x11)/ (4x10x111) =0.17 min.
Numbering/Sticker SMV = (Numbering time X rating) + 10%
= (0.17x80%) + 10%
Shorting &
Bundling SMV
Shorting & Bundling Time = (Shorting & Bundling
cycle time x manpower)/ (Marker pcs x number of lay)
Example: 2 Shorting & Bundling men were taking 25
minute for Numbering 111 ply lay & marker pcs 4 & rating 80%.
Now calculate Shorting & Bundling SMV?
Shorting & Bundling Time = (25x2)/ (4x111) =0.11 min.
Shorting & Bundling SMV = (Shorting & Bundling
time X rating) + 10% Allowance
= (0.11x80%) + 10%
Total Cutting SMV
Cutting SMV= (Lay prepare SMV+ Marker prepare SMV+ Fabric
Cutting SMV+ Numbering SMV+ Shorting & Bundling SMV) + 3% Replace Allowance
= (1.51+0.04+0.12+0.15+0.10) + 3%
= 1.92 + 3%
= 1.98
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